RE : Execution under Linux...


RE : Execution under Linux…
Dear Bruno,

Hummm… yes! After checking, I think that your problem is due to the free-java-sdk and the Debian and more exactly the compilation of VTK and its Java Wrapping.

The Linux binary package that we have included in Cassandra release has been compiled for Suse 9.1 and a version 2.4 of the kernel. We have done the compilation of the JNI layer (that make the link between Java and VTK) with a JDK SUN 1.5.

I am scared that one must recompile VTK on the specific Debian with the free-java-sdk.

I will see what we can do on our side. However, we have only one old computer under Debian and we don't know if we will have the time to compile it fo rthe community in the next weeks.

However, you can try your self to compile VTK on your system. The VTK sources are available on the Kitware site. Under Linux, their is no specific settings, excepted that you must specify that the compilation include "java".

Courage, the compilation of VTK can be quite long.

If you have troubles about this, you can contact us.

If you have an VTK library already installed on your system, you can use it directly. You have just to modify the paths related to VTK in the script.


The Artenum's team.

posted by Guest at Jun 22, 2005 9:24 AM

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