Get Started


After unpacking the archives, the package comes with a default set of script and a default configuration file.
  •, for UNIX system such as Linux and Mac OS X
  • JyConsole.bat for Windows system.
The default loaded script provides a "f" variable which is a JFrame java object.


  • Command history (Key: Up and Down)
  • Style management on text (Popup menu on the console or jyconsole.propertie file for the default properties)
  • Script loader (Popup menu on the console or for the initial script see the jyconsole.propertie file)
  • Java completion (Key: Ctrl + Space)
  • Python/Jython completion (Key: Ctrl + Space)
All the preference settings are inside the jyconsole.propertie file.

The following example provides a simple usage of JyConsole.

public static void main(String[] args) {
      // Load external properties from a file
       try {
       } catch (Exception e) {
       JyConsole console = new JyConsole();
       JFrame f = new JFrame("JyConsole by Artenum");
       //f.setIconImage(new ImageIcon(JyConsole.class.getResource("logo.gif")).getImage());
       f.getContentPane().add(console, BorderLayout.CENTER);
       f.setSize(600, 400);

Last edited by Zorin at Feb 17, 2011 6:18 PM - Edit content - View source

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