In Action
JyConsole is using Swing to offer a powerful and customizable graphical user interface. The features of modern UNIX consoles have been taken and improved to provide an innovative and helpful Python/Jython console. The following screenshots illustrate the simplicity and the features available on JyConsole 1.1 Dynamic object completion (Ctrl + Space) {image:../gallery/anim} 1.1 Script loading (Right click) and Dynamic text adaptation to the window size __Caution:__ One of the loaded script __(Error)__ throws an exception, and the purpose of that animation is to show the error feedback and the resize mechanism. __Error.py__ {code} from java.util import ArrayList list = ArrayList() list.get(1) {code} __mop.py__ {code} class Mop: def __init__(self, s): self.t_string = s def __str__(self): return self.t_string class Mip: def __init__(self, s="le rugby"): self.t_string = s self.t_float = 1.0 self.t_int = 1 self.t_mop = Mop("c'est fort") self.t_unicode = u"grrrrrrrr" self.t_list = \["a", 1, 1.0, Mop("toto")\] self.t_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4, "saas", u"fdf") self.t_dict = { "a": 1, "b": 1.0, "c": Mop("TIGER !!!"), "d": "salut" } def __str__(self): return str(self.t_float) + str (self.t_int) + " " + self.t_string + str(self.t_mop) {code} {image:../gallery/anim2}
Last edited by Zorin at Feb 17, 2011 6:17 PM -
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