Mesh Tool
__To model a physical process, one often uses a mesh discretization of the continuous domain. Finite elements method is based on such a mesh for instance. The generation of the mesh from a CAD file is a very complex task that Keridwen mesh tools perform using Gmsh open source software. These tools also offer export capabilities and a 3D visualisation tool based on Cassandra.__ [/projects/keridwen/html/exportPenelopeToVtkWhiteBG_png|{image:/projects/keridwen/html/exportPenelopeToVtkWhiteBG_png|align=right|height=300}] 1 Key features Keridwen mesh tools provide the following key features: - Generate a 3D unstructured mesh from a given properly configured CAD file - Export the mesh in Gmsh .msh format - Visualise 3D unstructured meshes 1 Embedded technologies - [|Gmsh] - [/projects/cassandra] - [/projects/Penelope] 1 Services and Support On demand, Artenum can provide a large set of services around these functions, for instance: - Support of new import mesh formats - Advanced meshing algorithms - Advanced configuration of the mesher Feel free to [|__contact us__] for further information. 1 Success Stories Keridwen Meshing module has been successfully integrated in the following real application cases: - __[/projects/keridwen/doc/applicationCases/spis]__ In SPIS, the numerical kernel performs the plasma modelling in a volumic domain that is discretized by a 3D unstructured mesh. \ \\SPIS uses Keridwen meshing module to generate this mesh from a given CAD file or to directly import a mesh file. It also uses Keridwen meshing features to display the generated mesh in 3D.
Last edited by Arnaud Trouche at May 4, 2017 5:50 PM -
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