

JyConsole is an advanced Java console for Jython.

JyConsole is an efficient component able to manipulate Python/Jython and Java objects through a command line interface. It answers to several requirements of modern consoles, such as command history, completion (Ctrl+Space), easy script loading and basic GUI preference management. JyConsole can be directly used as standalone application or as an embedded graphical component into a Java or Jython application.

JyConsole is based on Jython for the Python language management. Jython is an implementation of the high-level, dynamic, object-oriented language Python seamlessly integrated with the Java platform.

JyConsole has been initiated by Artenum and fulfill several needs :

  • quick prototyping on loaded objects thankfully to the dynamic object completion,
  • quick access and manipulation to complex external library such as VTK, MED and OpenCascade, thankfully to Java wrapping technics and introspection capabilities of JyConsole,
  • improving an existing application by adding a command line access to its internal objects,
  • providing a Python/Jython interface to any Java code.
JyConsole can be used as it or be simply integrated to any Java application to extend it with scripting capabilities in Python/Jython.

JyConsole is already used in several OpenSource softwares:

  • Cassandra, a 3D data viewer based on VTK,
  • The Kerdiwen project,
  • Spis-UI, a framework that smartly integrates the CAO to the simulation and data analysis process inside a unique and helpful environment,
  • HermesJMS, a Swing application for the management of JMS queues,
  • jeHEP, a text editor written in JAVA with on-fly spell checking.

The next step

JyConsole will evolve in a more generic way with the project JRosetta which only provides by now an abstract script engine API and GUI. The full support of the Jython language should be done during the first semester 2008.

Services and commercial offers

Artenum provides a large set of commercial offers and services around JyConsole and JRosetta. Please see our service page and the professional page of JyConsole and JyRosetta.

Last edited by Zorin at Feb 17, 2011 6:14 PM - Edit content

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