2D/3D Post-processing


Numerical simulations can generate a large amount of data. Analysing such an amount of complex simulation results can be difficult and it is often necessary to organize results and process raw data before being able to interpret it. This is the purpose of Keridwen post-processing module that provides a way to organise data by category and offers embedded easy-to-use post-processing tools.

Key features

Keridwen post-processing module offers the possibility to:

  • Organise results by category and filter data by name, to simplify the access to a specific result in a large set of data
  • Visualise curves representing f(x)=y functions and 2D color maps representing f(x,y)=z functions.
  • Visualise 3D data and easily perform post-processing operations, such as cutting planes, iso-levels or threshold, for example.
  • Export the charts in standard formats such as CSV and VTK or as pictures.

Embedded technologies

Use case

Keridwen post-processing features have successfully been integrated in the following applications:

  • SPIS Figure below illustrates the integration of Keridwen post-processing module in SPIS.

    During a spacecraft plasma interactions simulation, SPIS usually generates hundreds of output files in NetCDF format. As illustrated below in the upper left corner, those results are organised by category to simplify the navigation though these numerous output files.Within the categories, results are sorted alphabetically and by simulation time.

    The user can visualize the selected results by clicking the dedicated button. An appropriate visualizer is then selected automatically depending on the nature of the data and displays the results for analysis and post-processing.

    Visualizers used by SPIS include Cassandra-based 3D rendering and post-processing, allowing 3D results visualisation as well as post-processing operations (cutting or clipping planes, iso-levels, etc.).JFreeChart-based viewers are also used to plot 2D color maps or f(x)=y curves.

Services and Support

On demand, Artenum can provide a large set of services around these functions, including:

  • The development of advanced tools to filter, sort, organize and search simulation results (including from their meta-data)
  • The development of new visualisation tools for specific data representations
  • Advanced data mining functions to extract specific information from large sets of data
  • Tailored post-processing tools to perform specific operations on data
  • Advanced comparison tools to efficiently compare large data sets
  • New export formats (movies, Excel, etc.)
Feel free to contact us for further information.

Last edited by Arnaud Trouche at May 4, 2017 5:28 PM - Edit content - View source

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