Figure 1: Initial mesh
Figure 2: Converted mesh to geometry with MeshToGeo:
Figure 3: Edited geometry in Gmsh (solar panels cut in half and rotated):

Figure 4: Re-mesh of the edited geometry:
MeshToGeo converts an input mesh (.msh) file to an equivalent geometry file (.geo).
MeshToGeo is an open source software project supported by Artenum.
MeshToGeo is a command-line tool dedicated to convert a mesh file (.msh) of the Gmsh CAD/meshing software to an equivalent geometry file(.geo).
The conversion includes the support of Gmsh’s physicals flags.
To access MeshToGeo, a user registration to the Artenum website is mandatory.
MeshToGeo is available for download
here for registered users.
In this example, MeshToGeo is used to edit the geometry associated to the initial mesh and re-build the mesh.
First transforming an initial mesh (
figure 1) to a geometry (
figure 2). Second editing the new geometry in
Gmsh to cut solar panels and rotate them (
figure 3). Finally re-mesh the geometry with a new refinement value for the solar panels (
figure 4).