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Penelope is a 3D mesh library written in Java and providing a high level API for mesh manipulation. Penelope is based on a descending mesh data structure but simulates a full connectivity mesh by providing optimized method to access to any upper mesh element by using the global mesh methods. Therefore, Penelope allows to load a large amount of mesh elements for a small memory foot print. Penelope comes with a default mesh loader based on the Gmsh file format and provides, through the Penelope-VTK package, an exporter to VTK.

Penelope is issued from a complete refactoring of the JFreeMesh project.

For the moment the implemented mesh elements are:

  • point
  • line
  • triangle
  • tetrahedron

Goal & Principles

The goal of this library is to provide a high performance lightweight mesh structure which provides the whole set of connectivity for simple and quick manipulation in case of mesh-based dataset.

We do not provide the set of each mesh element type with its connectivity but instead we provide a mesh object which keeps track of the mesh elements connectivity in the most effective way in term of memory cost and access time.

Mesh structure

Each specific mesh element provides its implicit connection with its local methods and the global mesh object provides a set of methods in order to allow direct manipulation of mesh objects. By this way, the end-user is not aware of the real implementation of the mesh.

Applications / References

Penelope is used in :
  • the Keridwen Integrated Modelling Environment (IME) and for the SPIS Project initiated by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the CNES. SPIS is currently maintained in the frame of the SPINE community.
  • Cassandra, the 3D scientific visualisation framework, to allow Cassandra to import GMSH file and view it in the VTK view.

Services and support

Penelope is a product of the Artenum Company. We provides a large set of services and support related to Penelope and and mesh edition and conversion. Our offer includes expertise, online support, trainings, on-demand developments and close-source development license.

Please visite the Penelope's Services Page or contact us ( for further information.

Authors and credits

Penelope is copyrighted (C) 2010-2013 by the Artenum Company and has been mainly developed by the following authors:

  • Benjamin Jeanty-Ruard (Artenum)
  • Arnaud Trouche (Artenum)
  • Benoit Thiébault (previously Artenum)
  • Jérémie Turbet (previously Artenum)
  • Sébastien Jourdain (previously Artenum)
  • Nicolas Chabalier (trainning at Artenum)
  • Pierre Souquet (Artenum)
  • Julien Forest (Artenum)
Last edited by Julien Forest at Oct 10, 2017 2:21 PM - Edit content