Welcome to the HELIOS project's collaboration space
HELIOS is a 2 year R&D project in the frame of the french
System@tic research cluster (
open source software thematic group).
The HELIOS project's goal is to provide an
Open Source Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) portal platform allowing to test, integrate, configure and maintain all software of a system through an application dashboard. HELIOS will be an open environment based on existing open source software selected by default and that will be able to integrate new components. HELIOS will be able to adapt to user habits and tools and will also allow service providers to develop an associated commercial offer.
Most of existing ALM tools are specialised into one particular field (requirements management, qualification, project management, ...) so the HELIOS project will aim at providing a complete platform covering activities from qualification to maintenance.
More publicly available documents about HELIOS under the "/public/" area
Restricted content reserved to consortium members

Liste des administrateurs :
Project-managersListe des "simples" membres :
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