Resource Menu



  • {table}
Create an array with muliple columns and lines. The syntax is the following :
{table} line 1: column 1 | line 1: column 2 | line 1: column 3…
 line 2: column 1 | line 2: column 2 | line 2: column 3…
  • {box}
Create a box in the content windows as a frame. It allows to have different frames inside the main windows.
{box:title=name of the box|width=45%|float=left|height=350px}
 content of the box 
  • {image}
Insert a picture in a text. The file containing the file has to be already be loaded on the server, for instance creating a resource file and upload the file. The following example give a very andy way of inserting an image in the text.
  • {resource}
Enable to include the content of an URI, for instance a download area, doing a simple link to it. The noaction flags enables to display the ressource without user interface.

  • {children}
This macro give the list of childrens (sub-nodes) at the present node. The interest is that the list depend on the visibility that is defined in the security. Thus login users can see another list that guest user. Furthermore, one can specify the type of ressource that should be listed. The keywords are:
  • Project
  • Synchronizer
  • Template
  • Timeline
  • Page
  • Repository
  • File
  • Forum
  • Group
  • Queue
  • BugTracker
  • Survey
It is specialy usefull for handling menu. For instance, you can give the list of wiki pages.

1.2 List of macros

list-of-macros: Comparison method violates its general contract!

2-So6 synchronizer

The synchronizer is used to write any document with multiple users.

For each user/computer

  • A symbolic link between a local folder on a computer and the server has to be built using CREATE WORKSPACE
  • When the synchronizer is loaded, please define :
  • Workspace Name : to tell who and where the files come from. A typical input can be : username@localmachinename, thus you can work on different computers by changing the localmachinename.
  • Base Path: to give the location on the local machine of the folder which contains the files that you want to synchronize. Do not change the name of the files and folder. Furthermore, since the synchroniser work recursively, do not ask to synchronize the root folder of your hard drive !!
  • give your login and password, then press SET
  • COMMIT your request, and refresh your browser
  • when you cannot commit, you have to UPDATE and refresh your browser
This synchroniser can update/merge/modify all ascii files. This means that people can work at the same time on files using these following file formats : latex, native text code (*.for, *.c, *.html...)

Requirement: A java environnement sdk1.4.x (

Last edited by Mathieu Gisselbrecht at May 16, 2007 11:34 AM - Edit content - View source