GUI not operational.
Mnemonic | Rendering | Comment |
1 Title | | a style 1 heading (major heading) |
1.1 Title | | a style 1.1 heading (minor heading) |
- text | | a list item (with -), several lines create a single list |
* text | | a list item (with *) |
1. text | | an enumerated list |
__bold__ | bold | simple bold text |
~~italics~~ | italics | simple italic text |
--strike-- | strike | strike through text |
(empty line) | | produces a new paragraph |
| | creates a line break, please use sparingly! |
[/documentation] or [../documentation] or [/documentation|Doc] | Like a standard link | internal link to another document | | | creates a link to an external resource, special characters that come after the URL and are not part of it must be separated with a space. |
\X | X | escape special character X (i.e. {) |
---- | | creates a horizontal rule |