Can I contribute to Keridwen and how?
Yes, of course! And you are the very welcome.
Is Keridwen a library or a runnable application?
In the first place, Keridwen is a library. However, it already integrates advanced and high level applications under the form of OSGi bundles that can be easily interfaced or linked to each other. Keridwen is built in a Service Oriented Approach (SOA) where complex and advanced systems can be combined in a simple way.
Keridwen must be seen as a global Meccano for scientific and technical applications.
Several demonstrators and runnable applications based on Keridwen will progressively complete the eco-system.
Is Keridwen an open-source or a closed-source application?
Keridwen is an open-source application released under the GPL license and can be freely used. You are welcome to join the community and contribute.
In complement, a double licensing scheme provides a second closed-source developer license if you want integrate Keridwen into closed-source applications.
Is Keridwen a pure Java application ?
Keridwen itself, yes. However, some specific modules, like 3D visualisation ones, embed native components, like VTK, and may require a platform-dependent compilation or configuration.
Can I integrate and control native simulation kernels, in Fortran or C for instance, into Keridwen?
Yes, of course! Keridwen provides various ways to control native applications, from the simple system call to a fine wrapping with JNI. The External Technologies Wrapping page summarizes theses various approaches.
Can I run Keridwen on Microsoft Windows as well as on Linux?
Yes, absolutely. Keridwen can be run on most of Java-compliant platforms. Only bundles including native subroutines may present limitations. See the Supported Platforms pages.
If you want to ask more questions, please submit them through the Forum. The most discussed will be added to the FAQ.