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by Julien Forest - (no comment)
According to the terms of the GPL license, all developments based on the open-source license of Keridwen must be open-source as well and distributed under the terms of a license compliant with the GPL.

You may still develop and distribute a close-source software based on Keridwen by buying a Keridwen Close-Source Developer License (CSDL).

The Keridwen CSDL allows you to include Keridwen components into your own close-source developments. The Keridwen CSDL is granted package by package in order to be the most adapted to your needs:

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      1. Core CSDL allows the access to all elements of the Keridwen Core package. This choice is adapted if you only need low level components (e.g. normalised OSGi bundle development scripts, Message Driven Controller, Data Model, etc...) and you have no usages of applications bundles (e.g. CAD modellers).
      2. Tools CSDL allows you to access to all elements of Keridwen Tools and Core packages. This choice is fully adapted if you wish easily develop scientific applications by directly integrating rich advances functional modules like 2D/3D post-processing modules and scientific viewer, CAD modellers, meshing utilises...
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Support services are proposed in complement of the CDSL.

Our commercial team is at your disposition for further information regarding the CSDL and the releated supports.

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