by Julien Forest - (no comment)
Robbie is an experimental robot based on Keridwen and Java/OSGi approach for the software layer and a Raspeberry Pi and ARM hardware configuration. Robbie is a simple proof of concept to evaluate the relevance of the Keridwen Java / OSGi based approach for very light and low cost hardware infrasctructures, like embedded systems, robots, low-cost scientific measurement and monitoring system.Robbie includes its own exploration algorithms to perform its missions in an autonomous manner as much as possible and a Web based remote control interface. An image analysis system based on OpenCV and JavaCV allows Robbie to perceive its environment. A double GPS and radio and IR beacons based localisation systems, linked to a light GeoTools based IGS, are integrated in order to localised the rover in various contexts. For ground applications and to siplify the robot/human interaction, a Text-to-Speech (TTS) and voice controles services complete the user interface.Thanks to the Pi4j project, all devices are controlled from the Raspberry Pi through the Java layer.Robbie is de facto a modular platform to:- Explore modular software design in robotics for a better extensibility and adaptability to taylored applications;
- Through a realistic application:
- Valid the capability of Keridwen for modular, services oriented applications;
- Evaluate the constraint related to a remote control and data transfer on low band-width and high latency system;
- Explore scientific and operational data capture and remote processing;
- Explore robot-environment interaction algorithms, to facilitate its autonomy and survival;
- Explore the human-robot interactions;
- Through 3D simulation done with the SPIS and the GEANT-4 based software, evaluate the capabilities of low-cost hardware components in space environments, especially in lander-plasma interactions and radiations effects analysis.
Embbeded technologies
- The Keridwen IME
- The Penelope mesh library
- The Frida local properties manager
- Apacha Karaff OSGi runtime
- Pi4j project
- JavaCV
- The Shinx project
- Free TTS project