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Keridwen is already used by several majors scientific projects in the frame of various scientific and industrial communities as well for Artenum internal developments.
  • SPIS, the Spacecraft Plasma Interaction Software: SPIS is the current European reference tool in spacecraft-plasma interactions modelling and is world-widely used today. Its recently released new version (SPIS-GEO), dedicated to industrial uses, has been fully redeveloped on the basis of Keridwen as a complete Integrated Modelling Environment (IME). SPIS-GEO integrates most of the current Keridwen modules and illustrates the possibilities of fine integration of tailored simulation kernels.
  • GEFICOT for GEo FIles COherence Tool, is a tool dedicated to check and recover the consistency of Gmsh's geo files. This includes id conflict resolution, duplicated elements removal and co-localised construction nodes.
  • Electronic Design: Around the 2D advanced rendering bundle, Keridwen Draw, a specific application is currently under development for the design and the functional analysis of electronic integrated devices, like CPUs and memories.
  • EDGE EDGE (ExtendeD Gdml Editor) is an easy-to-use GDML editor to load and edit GDML geometries. It is completly based on Keridwen.
  • Robbie the robot Robbie is an experimental Raspberry Pi robot, with a sfotware controla layer fully based on Keridwen.

Last edited by Julien Forest at Apr 11, 2018 1:55 PM - Edit content - View history - View source