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Id : 363
Reporter : Benjamin Jeanty-Ruard
Assignee :
Jourdain Sebastien
Priority : MAJOR
Creation Date : 07 Jan 16 02:56
Last Update Date : 07 Jan 16 02:56
Resolution : UNRESOLVED
Add data set/mapper/actor optimization
In the PipeLineManager, when a data set, a mapper or an actor are added, all the connectivity is build from scratch.

More over the connectivity computation is not optimized at all.

Indeed, if lots of data set/mapper/actor are added, each of them rebuilt the connectivity between the data set and the mapper. This is a problem, specially for EDGE.

A solution is to optimize the method addDataSet, addMaper, … This method call the method {@link VtkObjectListModel#addVtkObject(CassandraObject)}. This method calls the method fireIntervalAdded where the listeners are notified with the method {@link VtkPipeLineGraphModel#intervalAdded(javax.swing.event.ListDataEvent)}. This method updates the connectivity and must be optimized. Indeed, all the connectivity is clear and build again.

A solution is to use the input parameter of the {@link VtkPipeLineGraphModel#intervalAdded(javax.swing.event.ListDataEvent)} method. Then, you process only the connectivity about the data set. To finish, it is not necessary to clean all the data set connectivity in the current case (add a data set at the end of the data set list), but only update the good one.

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