posted by Jourdain Sebastien at Aug 26, 2007 4:25 PM
Ok that's it… I've fix it in the new release…
Let me know if you find any other problem, I didn't had time to test much my changes and the new Jython behavior.My changed was only on the Java completion part…

posted by Jourdain Sebastien at Aug 22, 2007 7:15 PM
Ok, thanks for your feed back I get the information that I needed.By now, I will need some time to fix it…
And I can't realy tell you when...Seb

posted by Gareth Doutch at Aug 22, 2007 6:29 PM
I'm afraid that I have no idea at this moment in time.All I have done is import the project source into eclipse and replaced Jython 2.1 with 2.2 in the references.
The problem occurs on the line:String className = ((PyJavaInstance) console.getPythonInterpreter().get("comp_tmp")).class.__name__;The error given is "class cannot be resolved or is not a field" which seems to imply it is not available from the jython jar. When checking the alternative methods that are offered there is no obvious solution (to me - I have little Java experience).So no stack trace, as I am not running the console yet. I can do if it would help.
posted by Jourdain Sebastien at Aug 22, 2007 3:36 PM
- Do you have an idea of the change that I should made in the Java Class ?
- Could you send me the stack trace ?
posted by Gareth Doutch at Aug 22, 2007 12:40 PM
I have attempted to use the JyConsole with the latest available jython (2.2 rc3) and there is a problem retrieving the list of methods available after a dot.I have had a brief look in the source, with replacing Jython 2.1 with 2.2rc3 and it seems that class is not available (or has changed in some way) and this causes an error in